Tag Archives: Lynne Hubner

Where does the time go?

Painted-boards Where does the time go? Already the middle of April–can you believe it? Of course, we are still having cold weather for us, 33 in the mornings. That’s cold for us. I used to plant my garden, except for tomatoes, in the middle of March. We still need rain, lots of rain, but the teeny bit we did get really got things growing, so I’m cutting brush again. And mowing. And still hauling bags of compost.

In my weaving world, not much is happening. I decided that I would take some time and prepare for the Fayetteville, Texas show. Although the pieces have all the finish work done, they don’t yet have their hanging boards. Outside is windy, but I sprayed those suckers. Tomorrow, it’ll be Vecro time, drilling holes, and labeling each board for its “owner.”

Today I signed up for a monoprint class. I’m excited! Who knows if I’ll like it, but it sounds like fun. I’ve got a few ideas rolling around for things to try. Talking to Lynne today, she explained a bit about what we’ll do in the class. Check out her work here. When I looked at the image on her homepage, at first I didn’t see everything. Then I noticed the reflection in the car mirror. Very interesting.