Trying Something New


This is a picture of the self-watering pot (from Gardener’s Supply) I’m using to grow a tomato plant. I stuck this in here to experiment with pictures with this new program. I downloaded Windows Live Writer and am trying it out now. The picture was soooo much easier to place than it is in Blogger. I’m going to experiment with this for a while, but so far I’m loving it! This great hint came from Lyn here. I only installed the Writer portion.

Did get some weaving done, had 2 dyepots going, and hope to finish up the browns tomorrow or Saturday. Also spent some time checking on a new computer for my mother and the wireless to go with it. She wants a laptop, which requires wireless. The desktop is about to bite the dust.  I know from experience that I will need to plan on a day to help with the wireless part, then on to the online bank services, etc. My mother is 82, by the way. I’m so proud of her for being “computer literate.” Her hearing is not what it used to be, thus the phone help from me.

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