Winter, books, museum, ball winders


Shibori book

Something I’ve never done before–used the interlibrary to request a book from my local library. Wow! Worked great and fast! I can’t remember why now, because I’m probably not going to do shibori any time soon, but I put the Karen Britto book Shibori: Creating Color & Texture on Silk in one of my wishlists in Amazon. The book may be out of print, which may explain the price, but before spending $35, I wanted to see it. Thus the interlibrary. After looking at the book, I may spring for the $$$. Ms. Britto talks about the two kinds of dyes I’m currently using, but more importantly for me, there’s a chapter on using the Munsell color system. I already have those chips and would like to use them effectively. The problem for me is the dye samples. I will have to figure out some way to dye small batches of possible colors with the equipment I have. Well, and find time too.

Seems I spoke too soon about our fall weather–winter is scheduled to arrive with a vengeance tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t bring that “wintery precipitation” with the winds. The Kimbell Museum is set for members’ tours of the new Piano Pavilion. I have listened to a couple of programs about this new space on the radio. Evidently the concrete used for the walls is a special type and seems to be a better background for many of the artworks. Doens’t that sound strange? Something I’ve never thought of. Maybe I’ll get to see for myself soon.

And a totally off topic question–Do you have a ball winder recommendation? I have a really old plastic one that works, but frequently the gears click as I wind, so the writing in so on the wall. Some of these ball winders are REALLY expensive, so I want to hear feedback from anyone about ball winders.

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