I went through pictures from our “vacation.” At the pool, the boys like to create “optical illusions” with their cameras.
The list was made, the week organized…when that happens, you know what happens next. Yep, unplanned events interrupt the carefully planned week. Much on the list remains for next week. I did finish the mowing, picked tomatoes and eggplant in the garden, weeded, and finished what was on the loom. The next project is planned and the yarns labeled for dyeing, along with the dye spreadsheet with formulas. I also did a dye inventory and ordered dyes. What I haven’t done? I have not tackled the envelope of receipts for all the things the boys and I did. I think there is an
element of denial working here. Nor did I start cutting the brush on the south. Next week.
We went to the World Aquarium in Dallas (no lost child this time, nor a missed train).
For some reason I noticed patterns on the animals this time. Do you do that? I especially liked the rays, shown swimming in the pool above. It’s not very noticeable in the first picture, but the close-up shot shows how some of the spots are surrounded by spots. Kind of interesting.