I’ve written that I’m living in an inspiration-free zone lately, so it was with interest that I read this blog the other day. It’s all about how we may need this down time to stoke the fires of our creativity. Somewhere in my subconscious I must be aware of this because I have not been in a panic about it. This is akin to restrictions sparking creativity. Before I knew how to weave angles, I worked to get angles in other ways, like in the piece above. By the way, I was using natural dyes, and those colors were pretty much the only ones I felt comfortable with—another restriction. Colors were obtained from cochineal, indigo (over cochineal), and madder.
There is an art prize of $50,000 for Texas artists from Hunting PLC. Lately, a few notices about this prize have come to my attention, so I thought I’d mention it here also. There are some really great artists out there! Here is a link to a picture album of all the finalists. Like I said, great artists. The picture below is by artist Leigh Anne Lester, the winner of the prize. Go here to see a larger image. On her web page, an artist page within the gallery of Cactus Bra Space—gotta love that name!—the descriptions of her work says that they are graphite on Mylar, in some cases multiple layers of Mylar. So, how does that work? Mylar pretty much doesn’t let much stick in my experience. Captivating work.