It seems that I haven’t been writing much about weaving lately. Hmmm…..maybe because there’s really not much weaving going on? I did start with the warping process today. I was going to tie on to the old warp, but decided that probably wouldn’t be a good idea since I re-sleyed that warp from 4 epi to 6 epi. So, fresh start it is.
I went to the yarn store on Friday, always a dangerous thing to do. Of course, I only went because they were having a trunk show, not of yarns, but closings. I’m a sucker for buttons! I’ve got a collection of them from various travel locations and don’t have a clue what I’ll do with them. Probably nothing. The closings are from a local studio called Crone Art. You gotta love a name like that.
The Jennings Street Yarns is on one of the oldest streets in Fort Worth. If you go to their website, there is a picture of the current store and the street as it used to be. Scroll down to see other comparisons of a few streets in the city. I love those old buildings. Oh, about the yarns…yes, I bought some. After all anything with green was 25% off, everything else 20%. Yarn stores are dangerous!