All my life, it seems, I have been trying to find balance between all the things that should be done and those that want to be done. I had a really long list of things to do for last week, and I’m pleased to say that most were crossed off the list. Plus, I wove or worked in the studio for 4-6 hours daily. Not too shabby! Of course, this is the day that the new list gets compiled…oh, well.
Right-Sunset on the Platte at Pahuk, the workshop location.
Above-Tall grasses
For those of you who might be interested, Mary Zicafoose is having a fall ikat workshop. Here is the link. This is the same workshop I took in May, except that it is longer, so there can be more exploration. Mary is a great teacher, the location is ideal, and the food is superb. I wish I could go again. The tall grass prairie in fall will be lovely; something else for me to see someday!
Thanks for the link!
If your interested in the PDF from Mary, email me with you “real” addy, and I’ll forward it to you.
Thanks Sherry, but this is not the year for me to head to Mary’s class. I’ve just put it away ofr safe keeping. Thanks again.