Where does the time go?

All my life, it seems, I have been trying to find balance between all the things that should be done and those that want to be done. I had a really long list of things to do for last week, and I’m pleased to say that most were crossed off the list. Plus, I wove or worked in the studio for 4-6 hours daily. Not too shabby! Of course, this is the day that the new list gets compiled…oh, well.

image Sunset on Platte

Right-Sunset on the Platte at Pahuk, the workshop location.

Above-Tall grasses

For those of you who might be interested, Mary Zicafoose is having a fall ikat workshop. Here is the link. This is the same workshop I took in May, except that it is longer, so there can be more exploration. Mary is a great teacher, the location is ideal, and the food is superb. I wish I could go again. The tall grass prairie in fall will be lovely; something else for me to see  someday!

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