
One of my current goals is to get out and socialize more. Frankly, I really don't want to do that, but the logical part of my brain tells me that I should. As weavers/artists, we work alone. And I like that. The Wari workshop that I went to was a great day for socializing. One of the participants was a friend who was in tap dance classes with me years ago. It was fun catching up with her and meeting her other friends. We had a great table for socializing!***

My sisters and I are giving a party for our niece soon, so there’s the prep for that, but after the party, I am going to make myself get out on a Friday and join a docent tour of the Wari exhibit.

The Kimbell has been showing films about Peru in conjunction with the Wari exhibit. Sunday there were films about weaving and music which were very interesting. Of course I wanted the weaving film to be longer! The weavers in the film use a warp dominant weave structure on their backstrap looms, which involves pick up to make the pattern. One of the weavers used a discontinuous warp method, using a center bar to wrap the warp. One half of the warp is wound onto the front bar to the center. Then the weavers move to the other side and wind the warp from what might be the back bar to the center bar, inserting the new warp ends into the previously wound warp. This warp is a different color than the first warp. Here is a You Tube video of the pick up weaving, but not with the discontinuous warp. You can see a project on Weavolution here that illustrates the discontinuous warp technique very well and another more detailed explanation is here. The weavers in the film are a group that still utilizes the ancient methods and designs from centuries ago. They live in a very isolated part of Peru close to the coast, taking their alpacas into the mountains daily.

***I have no idea what happened with the text here, but I’m not going to puzzle over solving it any longer. :))

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