I am honored to be nominated by Shannon and Jennifer for this blog award. So, now, since I just posted a long list of what I think are interesting blogs, where do I go from here? I don’t know whether these have already been nominated or not, but I enjoy their blogs.
- Jeanne Williams-fiber artist, always has something about the “art world” on her blog
- Tien’s Blog-again more process, I really relate to all her many interests
- Joanne Mattera’s Art Blog-just lots of info about art
- Lisa Call-Contemporary textile art, great colors, creative process, right now building a new studio
- Daryl Lancaster-okay, she IS a weaver but there’s lots about sewing, etc. I just like reading about the creative process and where it takes you.
- Tracy Helgeson-Painter with a houseful of kids, again love reading about the process of creating
- Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson-wonderful collages. Take some time to look through her portfolio on her website. Unbelievable!
- Design Blog of the Cooper-Hewitt-I notice Martha is on there today. I originally looked because of the current felt exhibit and the design notes for that.
I’m going to add two more, but don’t even look if you aren’t interested in any opinions on political stuff. Or if you object to anything profane. Uppercase Woman and Margaret and Helen. These two are widely separated in age groups. The first is a mother with a toddler, and the other two are retired, but they both have an interesting take on all things social and political.
In case you haven’t already noticed, there are a lot of really good blogs out there.
Today I am working on needle-weaving the ends back in on two finished pieces while watching an old Hitchcock movie. I find finishing work extremely boring. Then I have a smaller piece to hem. I have made the decision that on smaller pieces I will be doing hems; I think they hang better that way, and I’m sure these smaller pieces will never go on a floor.
Yes, only two weeks as of yesterday before I have to load-in for Main Street. I’m scared to death, not having ever done anything like this before.
Arts City Austin
I looked on the Arts City Austin website to see which artists are participating. Unless I missed them, I only see 2 fiber artists participating. Both do beautiful work. One does weaving in furniture design, and the other does books. No traditional weavers that I see. What does this mean? Austin is a show that I considered entering, but I have no booth shot, a requirement. Now I’m wondering…