Tag Archives: churro


Not busy with weaving, but with all kinds of other obligations. Since In still have not overdyed the yellows for the next project (weather and busyness), I had to have something on the loom. After all, the warp is ready, tied on and spread. So, even though I say I’m not going to, I decided to start of of those multi-colored pieces, using only churro from the Churro Club from Weaving Southwest. We’ll see how long I’ll continue this. As you can see, it’s not centered because I cut off the left side a bit. 

Currently on loom


Part of my busyness was teaching this class at Country Day School. The students were part of the Honor Society Art students. As you can see, girls signed up. It was great fun, but as usual, when you do something for the first time, I learned a few things also. Like warp the looms before The Day.


Thursday through Monday

©Sherri Coffey-Sine Wave ©Sherri Coffey-Sine Wave

This is what I’ve been doing for the last few days, just a few notes that I made at the end of each day. I’ll post more later.

Thursday–May 2, 2013

  1. the wind is blowing 45 mph and it’s 50 outside. Cold. It’s May!
  2. hotel key cards can be de-magnetized by a phone in a pocket with the key card
  3. my car is so full I can tell a difference in the way it “feels”
  4. set up tomorrow should be fun–see #1
  5. have I mentioned that it’s cold?


  1. much better day today, warmer, b Burned-trees ut not quite as cold
  2. set up my booth, learned a few things, added to my list of things needed
  3. walking, walking, walking–lost my pedometer, too bad because I really wanted to know how much walking I was doing
  4. drove past a section of wildfires two years ago, totally depressing, but seeing the houses nestled in amongst the burned trees, a miracle for those folks
  5. when they say that booths are 10 x 10, it’s probably really not, there are leftover pieces Pieces-in-basket . Had room for 9 inside the booth
  6. Tomorrow’s the day! Booth-Fayetteville-2013





  1. Wow! Turns out to be a great day!
  2. Discouraged earlier-lots of people wandering into my booth, saying very complimentary things about my work, finally someone came back to look again. Sent pictures to her husband, he said she has to choose. She did, one of the larger pieces-Sine Wave, shown at top. I hung the piece vertically because of space, but maybe it should be hung horizontally. What do you think?
  3. Booths close at 5, artists wander to the old hotel across from the square, awards ceremony, barbeque dinner
  4. Awards ceremony–ceremony is too formal of a word, I won two awards! One for Best of Show and another a “just because I like it.” Monetary awards! Total surprise!
  5. After a couple of years of dealing with grief, estate stuff, house stuff, my creativity had gone out the window. It’s been back for a while, but this helps, believe me! Kind of like validation that this is a good track to be on.
  6. Even before the awards, I had already decided to try fro this show again. The people are nice, it’s a small venue, lots of really good art, many knowledgeable visitors.
  7. This means I have a goal of 9 new pieces. Doesn’t sound like much, does it?
  8. I’ve really got to track time weaving. It IS the perennial question, you know.

Sunday Purple-coat-shopper

  1. easier day today–shorter day, fewer visitors
  2. One of the other artists said I should put my Blue-Ribbon blue ribbon in my booth. Lots of people noticed it and congratulated me
  3. the eccentrics showed up today Really-tall-lady
  4. bought a painted bunting from Melanie Fain
  5. sent six pieces with Karen Vernon for gallery
  6. Allison and Tony helped with take down
  7. donated From Above
  8. dinner with Allison and Tony at Roadhouse
  9. Arts for Rural Texas puts on ArtWalk. They provide arts for the communities in the area, three counties. This is not just the visual arts, but also symphony, plays, etc.


  1. Why does driving make one so tired? Exhausted after four hours or so on the road
  2. Went to Hill Country Handweavers, bought some silk straw, what, is that called yarn?
  3. Drove to the churro farm, picked up two fleeces, saw the lambs, ewes, rams (see below)
  4. Drove, drove, drove

Ram Black-ewe-lamb Ewes-lambs